Efforts To Empower Patients To Increase Secure Access To Their Health Information - Make Your Revenue Smarter

From the HHS News Release:

New rules have been proposed that would expand the rights of patients to access their health information through the use of health information technology (IT). Specifically, the new rules would empower patients and allow them to gain access to test results reports directly from labs. They would ensure that labs covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) provide such information, upon request, directly to patients or their personal representatives. The announcement came at the kick-off of the first-ever HHS Consumer Health IT Summit, which brought consumers, providers, and the public and private sectors together to discuss how best to empower consumers to be partners in their health and care through health IT.

The Summit included more than 25 health care stakeholder organizations, representing consumers, large and small practice providers as well as insurers and health IT industry leaders, that have pledged to empower consumers by making it easier for them to get secure access to their health information to engage more fully in their health.

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), jointly drafted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, proposes to amends the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) regulations and HIPAA privacy regulations to strengthen patients’ rights to access their own laboratory test result reports.

A voluntary Personal Health Record (PHR) Model Privacy Notice was unveiled, which creates an easy-to-read, standardized template allowing consumers to compare and make informed decisions based on their privacy and security policies and data practices about PHR products. The new template is similar to the Nutrition Facts Labels in that it presents certain complex information in a simple way to improve transparency and consumer understanding about data practices. By making this Model Privacy Notice available, PHR companies can help build greater trust in PHRs.

In the coming year, ONC will work with health care stakeholders to further consumer access to information and empower consumers to become active participants in their health. The new website, www.HealthIT.gov creates dedicated consumer-oriented information that describes the benefits of health IT, provides consumer health education materials and will be a valuable resource for learning about new advances in health IT.

For more information about the proposed amendments to the CLIA and HIPAA Privacy regulations click here and choose the Fact Sheet for September 12, 2011.

View the entire news release here


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