CWTC [Episode 104] Documentation Concerns, Second Etiologic - Make Your Revenue Smarter
Welcome to Coffee with the Coder®, our conversation with Paula Digby and her team to address issues, observations and questions for Health Information Management professionals, physicians, auditors, payors and students. You are invited to listen in for ten to twenty minutes every other Monday and to submit your favorite questions or comments for Coffee with the Coder® To receive text notifications send an email to with your request. We will text you in the hour prior to the start of the next episode. Paula Digby addresses two questions regarding physician documentation that doesn’t seem to make sense to the coder in Episode 104. An anonymous asker is concerned about using I96 as a second etiologic diagnosis for a patient in IGC 14.9 who had multiple trauma. Congratulations to Ashley for winning the “mugging” for this episode.     Dial in for the next Episode on December 21st beginning at 10:10 am Eastern (7:10 am Pacific).

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