ACMO: Blood Characteristics — HC738-A, HC738-M, HC738-D, LB100-A, LB200-A, LB100-D - Make Your Revenue Smarter

Greg Digby225x309This episode of “A Clinical Minute” has Dr. Digby describing blood characteristics.

Some of the terms he mentions are:

a subunits, agranulocyte, albumin, allergy, alpha granules, alveoli, anemia, antibodies, arteries, azurophilic granules, bacteria, band 3,  basophils, biconcave disk, bone marrow, Bohr effect, buffy coat, capillaries, centrifuge, centripetal force, cathepsin, clotting factors, coagulation (clotting), concentration, cooperativity, cytoplasmic fragments, cytoplasmic parts, differentiation, eosinophils, erythrocyte, erythroblastic islets, erythropoiesis, exocytose, extracellular components, F subunits, fibrin, fibrinogen, globulin, granulocytes, granules, HbA2, HbA, HbF, hematocrit, hemoglobin, hematopoiesis, heparin, hereditary elliptocytosis, histamine, homeostasis, hormones, hyperbola, immunity, immunoglobulin, indented nucleus, leucocytes, leukopoiesis, lymphocyte, macrophages, megakaryocyte, metabolism, microns, monocyte, morphology, natural killer cells, neutrophils, organelle, osteoclasts, oxygenated blood, parasitic infection, peripheral region, pH, phagocytosis, plasma, plasma cell, platelet, pluripotent stem cell, polymorphonuclear, precursor, protein 4.1, proteinases, red blood cells (RBC), saturation, serum, sickle cell anemia, specimen, spleen, stem cell, subunit, thrombopoiesis, white blood cells (WBC), wright stain.

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