Like searching for a needle in a haystack, sometimes those cases need an expert with a magnifying glass to find resolution! AQ-IQ celebrates the toughest questions on coding, billing, compliance and documentation. We invite you to provide a scenario from your toughest case files for our experts to weigh in on. Closed (or pending) cases are best – our answers may not be posted immediately. Our experts will choose some of the submitted scenarios for use in future trainings. Below are the rules for inclusion:
1. Do not submit ANY personally identifiable health information. This party is PUBLIC, and visible to all our clients (and others as noted below) and does not support the publishing of PHI. We reserve the right to ignore your request if you send PHI with your case.
2. DO provide a brief outline of the scenario and choose from: coding, billing, compliance, documentation arenas.
3. Actual documentation (minus PHI of course) may be useful in outlining your scenario. Be sure to specify whether your entity is a medical practice (note the specialty), hospital, SNF, IRF, home health agency, ASC, free standing clinic. If your type isn’t yet on the list, specify it.
4. Note which payer is expected to be involved in your case.
5. Clearly state the question to be answered.
6. Email your case to – if you wish to use a pseudonym just sign it that way.
7. Answers to the cases we choose are visible for annual subscribers. Other subscriptions may be purchased from our YTC Resolution Page.
A 62-yr old female presents to the ED with [describe symptoms]. Dr. A. writes:
Nurse B. wrote:
For a Medicare patient, how would this encounter be coded?
signed: Confused in Colorado