ICD-10-CM - Make Your Revenue Smarter - Page 3

What's Your Poison? Coding for Injury and Poisoning in ICD-10

Don’t Get Burned!-How To Code Burns Properly in ICD-10

CWTC [Episode 40] Non-epileptiform seizures, Multiple Fractures as Etio, Validating Dysphagia, BMI

On , in CWTC, by AQ-IQ LLC

Welcome to Coffee with the Coder®, our conversation with Paula Digby and her team to address issues, observations and questions for Health Information Management professionals, physicians, auditors, payors and students. You are invited to listen in for ten minutes every other Monday and to submit your favorite questions or comments for Coffee with the Coder® […]

Working Out the Kinks of Reporting Arthritis with ICD-10-CM

Coding for Cardiovascular Conditions in ICD-10-CM (2018)

Critical Illness Myopathy-Creating Effective Documentation for Supporting this Diagnosis

Coding For Mammograms with CPT

Reduce the Stress of Coding AMI in ICD-10-CM

Combination Codes in ICD-10-CM