ICD-10-CM Updates - Make Your Revenue Smarter

Web Event “Moving Day for ICD-10-CM” Begins October 1, 2024 at 2pm Eastern

On , in Announcements, by AQ-IQ LLC

There’s so much to adjust as we move to a new home. We must sort through all we’ve accumulated, toss the things that no longer hold value and carefully preserve what does. ICD-10-CM gets a “new home” each October 1st, sometimes with minor decorative changes and other times with a complete overhaul. For 2025 the […]

CWTC [Episode 176] Recrudescence of Stroke, DM with Elevated A1C

On , in CWTC, by AQ-IQ LLC

Welcome to Coffee with the Coder®, our conversation with Paula Digby and her team to address issues, observations and questions… Please log in to view this content.