Cellulitis/Abscess - Make Your Revenue Smarter


Diagnosis: Cellulitis/Abscess


Applicable for MSDRGs:  602, 603



MD documentation should address:


  1. Presenting symptoms: fever/chills; fatigue; malaise; myalgias; nausea & vomiting; skin redness/inflammation, sore/rash, pain/tenderness at site, warmth at site, any trauma including animal, human or insect bite; HTN or other cardio condition; diabetes, type and control; any other comorbid condition
  2. CXR findings: (i.e. pulmonary edema; pleural effusions; emphysema; infiltrates; bronchiectasis; cardiomegaly, etc)
  3. Lab values: evidence of infectious disease process
  4. Any skin/subq condition or trauma with the presence of infection (i.e. burn, insect bite, blister, abrasion/friction burn, superficial FB)
  5. Evidence of SIRS: Must have at least 2 of the following:
    • Tachycardia: Pulse>90
    • Tachypnea: RR >20
    • Temp >100.4 (38C) or <96.8 (36C)
    • WBC >12,000 or <4,000 or >10% bands
  6. Evidence of encephalopathy and cause if known (metabolic, specific organ dysfunction)
  7. Renal failure (acute, chronic or acute on chronic, ATN) and any relationship between RF and pulm edema
  8. Treatment with medications, procedures or therapies

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