January, 2025 - Make Your Revenue Smarter

CWTC [Episode 212] Digital Documentation Requirements and Technical Challenges

On , in CWTC, by AQ-IQ LLC

Welcome to Coffee with the Coder®, a conversation with Paula Digby and her team to address observations and questions for… Please log in to view this content.

CWTC [Episode 211] What You Know That Isn’t So

On , in CWTC, by AQ-IQ LLC

Welcome to Coffee with the Coder®, a conversation with Paula Digby and her team to address observations and questions for… Please log in to view this content.

CPT© Coding Update for CY25 – HB445-A, HB445-M, HB445-D, LB100-A, LB100-M, LB100-D

On , in Complete eLearning eLibrary, by AQ-IQ LLC

System optimization is the process of improving the performance of a system by identifying and fixing issues that affect its functionality. Every year CPT© strives to optimize the code set by deleting outdated codes, updating codes and guidelines and adding new codes that better describe procedures and are up to date with advances in medicine. […]