CWTC [Episode 49] Multiple Etio Codes in IRF, Mobility Deficit, Dehiscence - Make Your Revenue Smarter

Ida in Georgia, two-time winner!Welcome to Coffee with the Coder®, our conversation with Paula Digby and her team to address issues, observations and questions for Health Information Management professionals, physicians, auditors, payors and students. You are invited to listen in for ten minutes every other Monday and to submit your favorite questions or comments for Coffee with the Coder®

In Episode 49, Paula Digby answers questions about multiple etiologic codes in an IRF setting, whether “mobility deficit” is the same as “gait deficit”, whether “elevated blood sugar” with corresponding lab values and treatments is sufficient to code hyperglycemia, and selecting wound dehiscence vs diabetes in a patient who returns a month after discharge.

Congratulations to today’s winner, Sue in Maryland! This “mug shot” is from Ida, our friend and multiple mugging winner, in Georgia.

Dial in for the next Episode in two weeks beginning at 10:10 am Eastern (7:10 am Pacific)

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